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    Czech Business delegation arrived in Sri Lanka

    May 08, 2016

    A business delegation from the Czech Republic led by the Ambassador Milan Hovorka arrived in Sri Lanka to explore opportunities for trade and investment.


    The delegation consisted of representatives of leading Czech companies such as Viktovice Power Engineering, Eldis, Fans, Skoda Doosan Power and Techno export.


    The sectors covered by the delegation were heavy machinery, radar systems, air traffic control, steel cylinders, vehicle and steam turbines, nuclear power systems, food, cooling towers, power generation and crude oil processing.


    Upul Jayasuriya, Chairman of BOI, and a few representatives met the Czech delegation and there the Ambassador Hovorka brought their attention on the areas of interest of the Czech Republic Companies. These included projects in hydro power, radars for Airports, Aircraft maintenance and overhauling, Airport infrastructure, and sugar production.


    The Czech Republic is a highly industrialized Country with a healthy and rapidly growing economy. The country is also a member of the European Union and has had excellent relations with Sri Lanka. The Ambassador mentioned that an early project was the Kantale Sugar plant, which was built by the then Czechoslovakia.


    However, currently trade between Sri Lanka and the Czech Republic is small. The Czech Republic imports US$50 billion of product from Sri Lanka and including textiles, Garments and Tea while Sri Lanka only imports about US$10 million worth of Czech made products. This meeting is to be considered as laying the foundations for a ministerial level meeting between the two countries.


    During the period of former Czechoslovakia, they had been significant trade of Czech products which were exported to Sri Lanka. However, commercial relations between the two countries had not expanded and steps are being made to upgrade relations between the two countries with a strong focus on economic relations.

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