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    Cabinet Decisions 27.11.2023 Featured

    November 28, 2023

    Decisions Taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 27.11.2023


    01. Secure funds from the Asian Development Bank to complete the Integrated Road Investment Program

    Some development projects under the Integrated Road Investment Program (iRoad Program) implemented
    using loan funds provided by the Asian Development Bank have had to be suspended due to non-availability
    of funds. In the discussions held by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies
    with the Asian Development Bank on this matter, the Asian Development Bank has agreed to provide a loan
    amount of USD 60 million for the completion of the components to be completed urgently under the relevant
    project. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Finance,
    Economic Stabilization and National Policies to enter in to the relevant loan agreement.

    02. Signing of a cooperation framework between the Sri Lanka Export Development Board and the
    International Fair Trade Networks.

    International Fair Trade Network is a global network that equitably distributes benefits through standards,
    certification, producer support programs and counseling. A number of organizations engaged in international
    trade work as partners in that international Fair Trade Network. This institute has the capacity to guide on
    policies supporting "Fair Trade" and "Trade Justice" in the European Union and to interact and maintain a
    continuous dialogue with European Union institutions. The Sri Lanka Export Development Board has
    proposed to formulate an action plan together with the partners of the International Fair Trade Network to
    promote the "Fair Trade Concept" in Sri Lanka. Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal
    presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Investment Promotion to sign a cooperation
    framework with the aim of enhancing cooperation between the International Fair Trade Networks and Sri

    03. Entering into an agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Government of Nepal for
    cooperation in the field of higher education

    It has been proposed to enter into an agreement for cooperation in the field of higher education between the
    Government of Sri Lanka and the Government of Nepal With the aim of strengthening and expanding the
    mutual cooperation in the field of higher education and further developing the relations between the higher
    education institutions of the two countries. This agreement will lead to further progress in the field of higher
    education in Sri Lanka and will enable the exchange of training programs between the two countries as well
    as curricula and scientific and educational methods in the system of higher education. Furthermore, both
    parties will have the opportunity to participate in higher education conferences and seminars held by both
    countries. Accordingly, the proposal presented by the Minister of Education to sign the proposed agreement
    between the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Government of Nepal was approved by the
    Cabinet of Ministers.

    04. Enactment of South Asian Qualification Reference Framework in Sri Lanka

    In the year 2014, the 18th meeting of SAARC leaders held in Kathmandu, Nepal, focused on expanding
    cooperation among regional countries and this provided the basic foundation for the emergence of the South
    Asian Qualification Reference Framework As a result, with the intervention of the World Labor
    Organization, the drafting of the South Asian Qualifications Reference Framework to identify skills in the
    education sector as well as in the workforce has been initiated in 2020. Sri Lanka has contributed to the
    relevant technical committee meetings and has expressed its agreement for the South Asian Qualification
    Reference Framework drafted by the ministries in charge of education of the member countries including Sri
    Lanka. This South Asian Qualification Reference Framework, which is implemented as a link to the
    qualification frameworks of other countries in the region, does not create any legal obligation for the
    qualification frameworks of each member country. The recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    and the clearance of the Attorney General have been given regarding the enactment of the South Asian
    Qualification Reference Framework in Sri Lanka. As such the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Proposal
    presented by the Minister of Education to implement the South Asian Qualification Reference Framework
    in Sri Lanka together with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Foreign Employment.

    05. Carbon Net Zero- 2050 Roadmap and Strategic Plan.

    Sri Lanka, as a party to the Paris Agreement, has agreed to achieve carbon Neutrality by the year 2050
    through the updated Nationally Determined Contribution submitted to the United Nations Framework
    Convention on Climate Change. Accordingly, extensive consultations have been conducted with the relevant
    stakeholders in order to reach that goal. Through that, a team of experts has identified potential measures to
    reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration needed to become a carbon neutral
    country by 2050 and prepared the Carbon Net Zero - 2050 Roadmap and Strategic Plan. Accordingly the
    proposal for the implementation of the said Roadmap and Strategic Plan, presented by the Minister of
    Environment was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    06. Inviting proposals to implement QR code based deposit refund system for Polyethylene Terephthalate
    (PET) and High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) packaging

    Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Bottles used as plastic packaging and High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
    cups and other plastic containers are often discarded into the environment after only one use. Due to the
    irresponsible disposal of such waste by some consumers and the lack of an efficient return system, the said
    plastic waste enters sensitive environments and accumulates in our environment To control this situation,
    Central Environment Authority has implemented 2 pilot projects for plastic waste management in Sri Lanka.
    Based on the results of the two pilot projects, it has been identified that the temporary deposit refund method
    is appropriate for re-collecting empty containers. Under this system, the seller keeps a temporary cash deposit
    when the customer purchases the product and the temporary deposit is refunded to the customer when the
    empty bottles are returned. It has been recognized that the introduction of a QR code system is desirable to
    further improve this system. As such the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Proposal presented by the
    Minister of Environment to invite proposals from appropriate institutions and to implement a QR code
    based deposit refund system through the institution selected from among the institutions submitting

    07. Provision of a portion of land on lease from Maduwanwala Nindagama Watte belong to the Land
    Reforms Commission to Ceylon Tobacco Company Limited for forest farming.

    The Ceylon Tobacco Company Limited has made a request to provide a portion of land on lease for a forest
    farming project from Maduwanwala Nindagama Watte belong to the Land Reforms Commission and situated
    in Panamura Grama Niladhari division of the Divisional Secretariat division of Embilipitiya in the district of
    Ratnapura. The project report furnished by the said company has been evaluated and accordingly the Cabinet
    of Ministers granted approval to the proposal furnished by the Minister of Tourism and Lands to release a
    portion of land in extent of 87 acres 3 roods and 25 perches from the land called Maduwanwala Nindagama
    Watte on long term lease for a period of 30 years.

    08. Amendment of Act No. 21 of 1969 by which the Institute of Survey and Mapping was established.

    The necessity of the amendment of Act No. 21 of 1969 by which the Institute of Survey and Mapping was
    established has been recognized so that it can be operated as an institution providing higher education facilities
    in the survey and mapping sector. Accordingly, it is expected by the proposed amendments to create higher
    education requirements in the survey and mapping sector for the students undergone studies in advanced level
    mathematics streams as well as the other streams yet are deprived of University education and present
    graduates with practical knowledge that caters to the local and overseas employment market. Accordingly,
    the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Tourism and Lands
    to instruct the Legal Draftsman to prepare a draft bill to amend the Institute of Survey and Mapping Act No.
    21 of 1969.

    09. Amendment of Medical Ordinance.

    The resolution to amend the Medical Ordinance No. 26 of 1927 in order to revise the provisions relevant to
    the registration of specialist physicians furnished by the then Minister of Health was taken into consideration
    by the Cabinet of Ministers at their meeting held on 07.08.2023 and it was decided to direct the matter to a
    officers’ committee headed by the Secretary to the Prime Minister in order to submit appropriate
    recommendations by further studying the proposed amendments. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    decided to grant approval to instruct the Legal Draftsman to prepare a draft bill for the amendment of the
    Medical Ordinance based on recommendations mentioned in the report handed over by the said committee.

    10. Submission of Colombo Port City Orders No. 3 of 2023 (Enterprises with Strategic Value - Guidelines
    for releasing or encouraging to award for customs - free enterprises) to the Parliament for its approval.

    The Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Investment Promotion has published the Colombo Port
    City Orders No. 3 of 2023 (Enterprises with Strategic Value - Guidelines for releasing or encouraging to
    award for customs - free enterprises) under the provisions of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission
    Act No. 11 of 2021 by the extraordinary gazette notification No. 2355/30 dated 25.10.2023. The Cabinet of
    Ministers granted approval to the proposal furnished by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of
    Investment Promotions to submit the said orders to the Parliament for its concurrence.

    11. Solidarity Agreement on Climate Changes between Sri Lanka and the Republic of Korea.

    An agreement has been made between Sri Lanka and the Republic of Korea to sign a solidarity agreement on
    climate change. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution submitted by the
    Minister of Environment to facilitate the implementation of the said agreement and to initiate a consolidated
    committee on climate change in order to coordinate the same.

    12. The National Policy on Climatic Changes

    Sri Lanka is a country prone to climatic changes constantly and it causes multiple impacts on local economic
    growth. The government has recognized the necessity of implementing actions to minimize the impact of
    climatic changes paying attention to sustainable development. Furthermore, it has been identified that a
    contemporary update is required in the national climate change policy prepared in the year 2012 in order to
    gain benefits from the programmes, mechanisms and funds in regard to climatic risks, national priorities, new
    emerging global developments, and programmes relevant to climate. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    decided to grant their approval to the national policy on climatic changes that has been updated by the Ministry
    of Environment inquiring opinions from relevant parties, adhering to the contributions defined at national
    level, to the national plan adjusting to the impacts of climatic changes, to the responsibilities of the Paris
    Accord as well as the framework convention on climatic changes of the United Nations and furnished by the
    Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies



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